ROSRider v4

ROSRider V4 Control Card

125 USD


ROSRider is an electronics hardware product that allows the control of any differential drive robot using Robot Operating System.


Features MCU 32-bit ARM Cortex: TM4C123GH6PM
Motor Drivers Two channel up to 2.5 amps, with current measurement.
Hardware QEI Can use any encoder gear motor, single or double phase.
Servo Control Two channel standard servos.
Connections Uses standard JST connectors, and commodity JST cables.
RTC On board RTC, wake on alarm possible.
Firmware Update Device firmware is updatable by end user over USB.
Power Input 6V to 15V wide input voltage.
Software Controllable Switch MOSFET switch, reverse current protection.
Hibernation Auto sleep, Device hibernates if not used certain time.
Current Protection PTC Resetable Fuse, and also software current protection.
Power Input XT30 or Klemens Type Connector.
Power Output Software Controllable Auxillary Power Output 5V, 400mA
Monitoring Measures and reports bus voltage, bus current, independent motor currents.
Communications I2C Dual QWIC ports, also available on header. Can be used for cascading with multiple units.
SPI Serial peripheral interface connector.
USB CDC-USB Serial, 921600 Bauds.
Serial Standard Serial Port, available as JST connector or header.
Software Drivers C++ Drivers for ROS2 Humble and ROS2 Jazzy .
Parametric ROSRider is configurable using yaml files.
Innovation Autosyncs with host to generate low latency data.
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